This yellow-brown essential oil is steam distilled from an herb native to southern India and has a potent, fruity odor. The leafy green plant, which grows 12-18 inches tall and sports tiny, puffy yellow flowers, is revered by the people of the area who use the flowers in religious or ceremonial offerings. The whole plant is distilled right before the flowers open.
Davanam also known as Artemisia pallens, dhavanam,Davana, Davana Oil can be obtained by the process of steam distillation from the flowers.
Traditionally, Ayurvedic healers in India have long used the herb for all manner of women's reproductive issues, from helping to support regular menses to easing menopausal concerns. Davana can also assist with minor "sniffles" and people there often apply it to the skin when encountering life's minor "lumps and bumps." There is a popular folk belief that while Davana smells the same to everyone while in the bottle, it takes on a different individual fragrance of its own depending on who is wearing it.
In modern times, Davana is popular in perfumery to provide a fruity top-note and as a flavoring agent in bottled beverages and baked goods. Davana really shines when used for emotional concerns. When life really gets to us, it soothes the nerves, restores emotional calm, and is exceptional for quieting the mind. Bacterial infection, bronchial congestion, coughs, colds, influenza, nervous stomach, indigestion, nausea, menstrual cramps, menopausal symptoms, general debility, anxiety, stress, irritability, tension. Davana essential oil fights infections that cause septic of internal and external wounds, urinary tracts, urethra, kidneys, and other body parts. It also provides protection against conditions like tetanus. This should be applied without delay in mild concentrations in cases of cuts and wounds, particularly from iron objects or dirty abrasives.
The essential oil of Davana loosens up tough coughs and phlegm depositions in the respiratory tracts and makes breathing easier. It relieves congestion and reduces coughs, while also treating other problems such as a headache and pain in the joints that are often associated with having a cold. This oil also has mild vermifuge and insect repellant properties. It also shows hypotensive properties and brings down blood pressure. Davana oil is also used in making perfumes.
Davana essential oil fights infections from bacteria, microbes, fungi, and viruses and helps cure infectious diseases. If used in fumigants, sprays, or vaporizers, it disinfects the whole area and makes it free from microbes. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Davana flowers are used during religious worship. The essential oil of davana fights depression through relaxation and helps reduce blood pressure in situations of anxiety and stress. Davana oil gives mental peace and helps people to recover from the after effects of trauma.
These oils act as an anti-depression, anti-septic, antiviral, disinfectant, emenagogue, expectorant, relaxant and vulnerary. Having an aromatic and balsamic persistent odour, these oils are available in golden yellow to light brown, in colour. These oils have a sweet and refreshing fruity aroma antiseptic and anti-tetanus properties. These are used for the treatment of spasms and pains.
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