Neroli - Reconstitution

Neroli is a plant oil produced from the blossom of the bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium subsp. amara or Bigaradia). Its scent is sweet, honeyed and somewhat metallic, whereas bergamot, being rich in linalool (which is the main component in lavender), has more of an aromatic, soft floralcy.The blossoms are gathered, usually by hand, in late April to early May. The oil is produced by water distillation, as the blossom is too fragile to endure distillation with direct steam.By the end of the 17th century, Anne Marie Orsini, duchess of Bracciano and princess of Nerola, Italy, introduced the essence of bitter orange tree as a fashionable fragrance by using it to perfume her gloves and her bath. Since then, the term "neroli" has been used to describe this essence.

Neroli has a refreshing and distinctive, spicy aroma with sweet and flowery notes.It is one of the most widely used floral oils in perfumery. It is a nontoxic, nonirritant, nonsensitizing, nonphototoxic substance. It blends well with any citrus oil, various floral absolutes, and most of the synthetic components available on the market. Neroli oil is a classic element in fragrance design and one of the most commonly used in the industry.It is also has a limited use in flavourings. Neroli oil is reportedly one of the ingredients in the closely guarded secret recipe for the Coca-Cola soft drink.It is a flavoring ingredient of open source cola recipes, although some variants consider it as optional, owing to the high cost.

Due to its linalool content, neroli is considered to have a soothing effect on the nervous system.Traditionally, neroli oil was used not only to relieve tension and anxiety, but also to increase circulation. A solution is made by adding three or four drops of the essential oil to one cup of either sweet almond oil or wheat germ oil. If the solution is to be used on children or pregnant women, only half the quantity of essential oil should be used.

Beautiful floral oils soothes, relaxes, uplifts the spirit and helps maintain confidence. Exquisite aroma. Excellent skin care oil, perfect for aging, dry sensitive skin and on scars and stretch marks. Soothes palpitations of the heart and cleanses the blood, improving circulation - generally a very good tonic.Linalol, Linalyl acetate, Limonene, Pinene, Nerolidol, Geraniol, Nerol, Indole, Citral, Jasmone.Very relaxing but not suitable when a clear head and concentration are needed.Oil of Neroli is obtained from the flowers of the bitter orange (Citrus Vulgaris), the Seville orange, and it takes its name from that of an Italian princess who used it as her favourite perfume. The active principles of the oil include nerol, geraniol, indol, j.ismone, and anthranilic, enzoic and phenylacetic esters.

The essential oil is usually produced by the ENFLEURAGE method, though sometimes steam distillation is used, and it is thick and deep brown in colour. The scent is of a bitter-sweet nature, as one might expect from its origins, and is not always liked in the concentrated form of the essential oil. However, once it has been suitably diluted as a massage oil, bath oil or in skin creams, etc., it is one of the most hauntingly beautiful of all those used in aromatherapy. It is widely used in commercial perfumery, and is another of the ingredients of true eau de cologne.It is antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic and aphrodisiac and a gentle sedative.

Neroli is a beauty , complex citrus floral slightly herbal. Absolutely Beautiful. In combination with Orange Flower Absolute makes a great combination. Neroli synthetic oil is a cost-effective alternative to the traditional Neroli oil. It mimics the scent profile of the pure oil, offering the same sweet, honeyed, and floral fragrance, but at a much lower cost. Neroli synthetic oil is created by combining various synthetic aromatic compounds that replicate the natural aroma of Neroli. This oil is widely used in the fragrance industry, particularly for applications where the high cost of natural Neroli oil may be prohibitive. While Neroli synthetic oil doesn’t provide the full therapeutic benefits of its natural counterpart, it still delivers a refreshing and uplifting scent that is highly valued in both personal and commercial products. Neroli synthetic oil is often used in perfumes, lotions, and soaps, offering an affordable and accessible way to capture the essence of Neroli in a synthetic form. The use of Neroli oil is only for High End Fragrances where even traces of this material has a marked effect. Obviously colognes will smell more natural and complete with this material.