Lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia) is actually a hybrid created from true lavender (lavendula augustifolia) and spike lavender (Lavendula latifolia). The true lavender grows higher in the mountains while the spike lavender or aspic as it is sometimes known grows down lower. Where they tended to meet they would cross pollinate and lavandin came into being. As it is a hybrid it’s appearance can vary some, but in general it is a larger plant than true lavender with woody stems. The flowers vary from blue like true lavender to more greyish, similar to spike lavender. Lavandin also has aromatherapy uses similar to true lavender but it is more penetrating. It has a stronger scent and is considered beneficial for inflammation, respiratory and circulatory conditions. It is also thought to be very helpful in fighting germs. Feel free to reach for lavandin to help with sore muscles and joint pain, aid in clearing sinuses and symptoms of colds and flu and flushing toxins from your system. It does have many of the same actions as true lavender.
One benefit it does NOT share with lavender is the ability to help heal burns. Apparently due to its higher camphor content it can actually make the burns worse. The scent of lavandin is similar to lavender but more pungent with a slightly different note to it. Instead Lavandin is used in some soap blends to help intensify the lavander scent as well as to extend its staying power. Another thing about Lavandin is that it is less likely to have been adulterated as opposed to true lavender. To summarize: Lavandin is an important essential oil in its own right and is extremely useful for the soap maker when blending scents. It has many beneficial qualities and in many respects is similar to Lavender but should not be used interchangeably as the issue with treatment for burns points out.
The Lavandin, plant from which this essential oil is obtained, is not a natural plant in the true sense, because it was born as a result of the hybridization of two plants with the scientific names Lavandula Angustifolia and Lavandula Latifolia. That is why Lavandin is scientifically known as Lavandula Hybrida and Lavandula Hortensis.The aroma and medicinal properties of Lavandin are quite similar to those of Lavender, but they are more intense and sharp, since it is a hybrid. The main components of this oil are Lavandulol, Linalool, Linalyl Acetate, Camphor, Cineole, Caryophyllene, Camphene, Dipentene, Limonene, Ocimene, and Terpinene.
Lavandin oil boosts self esteem, confidence, hope, and mental strength, while efficiently fighting depression. As an antidepressant, it can be systematically administered to patients of acute depression who are undergoing rehabilitation.The essential oil of Lavandin has certain compounds which contribute to its antiseptic properties. By virtue of this property, Lavandin Oil can protect wounds from becoming septic. It is found to be effective in preventing incisions from becoming septic or getting infected from tetanus, particularly after surgery, caesarian deliveries and other wounds. It relieves the deposition of phlegm, cramps, stiffness and pain in muscles and helps cure sinusitis,dermatitis and colds. Being a different species it is no surprise that lavandin oil is different from L.angustifolia oil. Lavandin because of its strong similarity to lavender and much lower prices has become a very big product. In fact in certain compositions its odour profile is better suited than lavender. In soap and incense formulations it gives better effects, because of a higher percentage of Camphor & Borneol.
Lavandin Oil blends well with countless natural and synthetic perfume materials. More recently the old-fashioned “Rondeletia’’-theme has found a renaissance in the combination of lavandin oil with clove oils, eugenol, bay leaf oil, cinnamon leaf oil, etc. Other blenders are aliphatic aldehydes (modifiers, topnotes), amyl salicylate, citronella oils, cypress oil, decyl alcohol, geranium oils, geranyl acetone, isobornyl acetate, pine needle oils, thyme or origanum oils, patchouli (also fixative), etc.
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